You can travel with Luleå’s public transport LLT (Luleå Lokaltrafik) to Gammelstad. It takes around 30 minutes to get to Gammelstad from the stop “Smedjegatan” in Luleå city center.
Bus 9: Get off at the stop ''Kyrktorget Church Town''.
Bus 1 or 2: Get off at the stop ''Stadsö centrum''. Follow the signs to Kyrkbyn. From the bus stop it's approximately 1 km to walk.
On the LLT website you can also plan your trip by using the travel planner.
Parking for the disabled is available at the Visitor Center (Kyrktorget 1, A on the map) and by the entrence to the open-air museum Hägnan (B on the map).
There is also a larger parking lot by Arctic Collection (Rutviksvägen 40, C on the map) and some smaller parking lots spread out in all of Gammelstad.
Parking is free, except on larger events.