Hägnan's summer market

When: July 20th-21th.
Time: 11:00-16:00.
Where: The open-air museum Hägnan.
Free entry, no tickets required.

Welcome to the yearly summer market at the open-air museum Hägnan! Here you will find traditional crafts, small goods, home baked bread and more. Stroll around in beautiful surroundings, visit our farmsteads, the country store and stop for a coffee at the cosy Kafé Fägnan.

On Saturday and Sunday you can also listen to a lecture about old swedish folklore beliefs and folkmedicin with Hägnans antiquarian Beatrice Norberg. Stats at 12:00 and 13:00 by the croft.

On Saturday Norrlands Motorhistoriker (the society for motor historians in the North of Sweden) will discplay their vintage cars between 12:00-15:00.

Watch the animals being fed 13:00-13:15. We gather at the sheep paddock.

The farmhouses and the country store are open 11:00-16:00.

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